Emergency Management
Winter Park Fire-Rescue Department, WPFD, serves as the city’s official emergency managers. The agency works to prepare and respond to situations of local disasters. Adopted by the City Commission in 2013 the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) includes plans for preparation, response, and recovery from a localized or regional disaster.
The City's Communications Department assists by managing the city’s emergency alert system. Unveiled in January 2008, the city’s robust OUTREACH, powered by CodeRED®, allows Winter Park’s emergency managers to inform the community of emergencies through the use of phone, e-mail, wireless devices, and text messaging. Residents and business owners can sign up for tailored messages to be made aware of situations as soon as possible.
The city maintains a series of traditional outdoor warning sirens. Strategically located throughout the city, these sirens assist in the notification of potential severe weather events. The “tornado” sirens, sound for three minutes as an alert to a possible tornado in the Winter Park area. When the sirens sound, residents should immediately seek shelter and more information on the potential threat. Siren testing takes place on the first Saturday of each month.
About the EOC
Fire-Rescue Headquarters also houses and maintains the city’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which serves as the center of activity and decision making during a city emergency. The EOC monitors threatening situations and, when necessary, is staffed with decision-makers from all of the vital city departments. The EOC also hosts the city’s Non-Emergency Call Center, which actives during EOC operations. The Call Center serves to relieve the number of calls to our 911 emergency center and provides departments with a way to answer the numerous questions raised during an emergency.

Level 3 - Monitoring Activation - This is typically a "monitoring" phase. All departments who would need to take action as part of their everyday responsibilities receive notification.
Level 2 - Partial Activation - This is a city activation that may not require every department's activation. All primary or lead personnel notified. Essential departments will staff the Emergency Operations Center.
Level 1 - Full-Scale Activation - In a full-scale activation, all primary and support agencies under the state plan receive notification. Essential personnel staff the City's Emergency Operations Center.
- Hurricane Preparedness Guide
- Tornado Sirens Information